Thursday, September 15, 2011


so this week following last weekends wedding excitement has been a very blah week.
{which explains the fact that i can't title my blog post today}
I'm sick. waaaah. maybe an ear infection or fluid from a cold, idk. it feels gross.

I brought our dirties to my parents over the weekend and one whole basket of clean laundry is still sitting in my truck. seriously. it's Thursday. uhm yea.

but anyways, back to the wedding stuff. my cousin Emily got married this weekend.

9-10-11 - cool wedding date, eh?

Devin was the ring-bearer. he actually handled his responsibilities (other than the whole pillow thing) pretty well.

He also stayed up way past his bedtime dancing and harassing flirting with the flower girls. I actually saw him hugging them several times throughout the night. and it was adorable.

It was also my {favorite} brother's 21st birthday that night. I actually only have just the one brother - he's the 2nd youngest in our fam. I'm the oldest. When he was a baby me and my sister constantly fought over who he likes better. I'm sure it was me.

time for more tylenol cold. talk later.

PS. cute, right? i so want to make some, but I put my coffee in insulated thermos-type mugs. i think i'll make one for emergency gas station coffee stops, to keep in my car anyways.

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