Tuesday, May 10, 2011

bubbles & swinGing

Last night, while Rob worked on his truck at his buddy's garage, Devin & I hung out with his wife & baby girl in the back yard. I am so excited to soon be able to be outside every single day, seems silly, but having snow 9 months out of the year really makes you appreciate sunshine & fresh air!

If you are my FB friend you've already seen this picture, but OMG the cuteness (you can't tell here because it's B&W, but the grass has not even perked up yet!). Devin calls this swinGGing. He really gets all the letters in there when he pronounces it. We kept cracking up at it last night. Also, the babies played bubbles for.like.ever and I think Devin liked it more than Lexi did. He can blow bubbles himself! Seems like something he shouldn't know how to do yet, but I sure am proud!!

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